welcome back to the Skaject folks! today we’re checking out Laurel Aitken’s Ska With Laurel, from 1966:

not gonna lie to you the intro on Streets of Glory is rough. the rest of the track is p good – nice vocal performance, solid beat, even when the harmonica comes back its not so harsh -but wow what a weird start, haha. oooh the saxes holding the beat with the laid-back drums on Lonesome Traveller is a really fun effect. very cool track. Madame Sorosie’s a neat track about a weird old woman. really enjoy the laid-back beat on this one. We Shall Overcome is i’m p sure an independence track. neat track but MAN this record doesnt know how to handle a harmonica. Call the Doctor’s aight. Freedom’s also p good – its a lil jazzy and a lil funky. fun track. Hallelujah Train’s p good. v pleasant. the real quick solo in Looking For My Baby is REAL good. not huge on Woman Is Sweeter Than Man. It’s Coming Down is a more laid back track, it’s p nice. Take off My Pyjamas is great. love this track, v relatable.  Leave My Woman Alone closes the record out, and its fine.

loves – Lonesome Traveller, Take off My Pyjamas


man Laurel Aitken is a good vocalist, and its really neat to have another record at this time that’s a whole original album by one dude (rather than the cover heavy records and compilations we’ve been looking at), but ngl i felt p just alright by this one. couple tracks definitely stood out, and a lot of the horns on this record really get to shine, but there’s def some issues in the actual sound quality here, most notably whenever they use a harmonica. on the whole, neat but just alright as a record.

Ska With Laurel – 4/10

next up we’re gonna checking out a 1967 record by Prince Buster, What a Hard Man Fe Dead

previous: Ska-Boo-da-Ba | next: What a Hard Man Fe Dead

this is the first Laurel Aitken record | next: Scandal In a Brixton Market

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