hello! thanks for checking out my music discussions! i try to review three records each week:
- mondays i do a discography review – i have an artist picked, and each monday i do the next album in their discography, chronologically. when i reach the end, i’ll pick someone new. i almost always go back and listen to new releases from a previous discography review, but it’s not always immediately when they come out.
- wednesdays are for the Skaject, explained here
- fridays are for albums recommended by readers of the blog. each week after i do a review, i’ll pick someone who’s made a suggestion who’s gone the longest without me picking one of their suggestions, and then pick one at random from them.
if you’d like to suggest an artist’s discography to cover, please let me know below!
and if you’ve got an album you’d like me to check out on a friday, here’s the suggestion box for that!